Wintershow -International Dog Show, Trenčín, Sk, Burt- BOB !!!
rozhodčí( judge ) MVDr.Stanislav Bučko ,Sk
Burbon Wild with Delight Ex 1, CAC, CACIB - Best male, BOB !!!! ( intermediate class )
Dixie Down Saltisgarden's Ex 1, CAC, r.CACIB ( champion class )
Etiquette of Mayo Land Ex 1 ( intermediate class )
House Bunny Nordsand's Ex 1, CAC, CACIB - Best female ( champion class )
Burtovi byl udělen titul Slovenský junior šampion a Dixin se stalSlovenským šampionem krásy :)
Burt has received his first titul Slovak Juniorchampion and Dixin has become Slovak Champion of beauty :)
photo - Burbon Wild with Delight